My crazy emotions 😭


The other night while checking out at Meijer with my husband, I was paying the cashier and ended up giving her the wrong change. I was attempting to pay the exact amount of change because I just wanted dollar bills back but I must have looked at the price on the screen before taxes. So after the cashier looks at me like I have two heads, she gives me back more change and the dollar bills. I felt so unbelievably stupid! Holding back tears, I apologized and told her it’s “my stupid pregnancy brain” that made me do it. She was very sweet and understanding but I still felt so stupid. I started crying as we’re walking outside and my husband couldn’t get a grip on why I was crying. I wanted to explain it to him that it’s just my emotional rollercoaster but I couldn’t even get it out because I was crying so hard!

Being the man my husband is, he tried to remedy the situation by trying to make me laugh. It was not helpful. So he moves on to the next best thing: Food. He suggested we eat at my favorite burger joint, Five Guys. I turned it down saying that I just ate there a few days ago and that I eat there about once a week (i crave bacon cheeseburgers constantly and that’s the only place that gets them right). He says “what? Without me? I’m over here eating cold roast beef sandwiches and you’re eating burgers?” Let me mention that that statement was supposed to be in a jokingly manor. But at the time I interpreted it as a “how dare you” remark. So the tears I had turned into full blown “I can’t breathe” ugly cry! My husband instantly regretted his remark saying “open mouth, insert foot” and felt horrible he had made me cry even more. All in all it was a challenging night for the both of us. Next time I’ll just tell him to let me cry it out and not say anything to until I’m done!