So... I'm seventeen and so is one of my close friends, H. H has been TTC for four months. She is now jealous of my pregnancy. My best friend, who we'll call B, got pregnant at 14 and her baby girl is now 1 and 4 months. I wasn't trying to concieve but wasn't on any type of birth control. We were living by a "if it happens, good, if it doesn't, more time for just us". We started this little policy in May, we got pregnant in June. My friend is now jealous and lied to me, telling me she is pregnant. She sent me a positive pregnancy test from the internet! (I'll post her's and the one from the internet below.) Now she's telling me I just don't understand. I'm scared that later in my pregnancy she is going to be acting like a bad friend and adding stress onto me. i feel like I can't trust her after this. I don't know what to do.

This is when she texted me her positive.

When I found out, I texted her asking why she lied.

I feel bad but I don't know what to do, I love my baby and I'm more worried and my little munchkin than her and the stress she will end up putting on me. She also said she can't love a baby that didn't come from her womb, I don't know what to do.

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