Missed first day of pack, could I be pregnant?


Three weeks ago I missed the first active pill in my pack, so I took two the next night. I can’t quite remember but it was either that night or the next my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex. Last week (a week after the unprotected sex) my discharge was very slightly discolored (maybe pink/light brown, hard to tell) for a few days, and today, two weeks later, the same is happening. This isn’t a common occurrence for me during my cycle.

Is this my vagina just being weird or could it be implantation bleeding? Most sources, including the instructions on my pills, say that if you miss the first day and take both the next day you’re totally fine and don’t need other contraceptives, but at least one website said that missing the first day is EXTRA dangerous. Both times the spotting happened was after some relatively vigorous sex, so maybe it’s from that?

I’m due for my period and am going on a beach vacation next week, so I wanted to skip the placebo pills, but if I don’t have my period I won’t know if I’m pregnant. I know I can take a test before I go, and might do so, but if I AM I don’t want that stress to ruin my trip. Thoughts?