This honestly breaks my heart

Alpha • 🏒

Thoughts? Opinions? Legality?

As someone who is passionate about those with varying abilities, my heart breaks for him and his family. But as someone who has previously had a service animal, while we are protected in many areas, we are responsible for our animals’ care, behavior, affecting others, etc. Also, I have a couple of terrible neighbors, so I can see the neighbors viewpoints of being upset with smell, the issue of the ducks being on their lawns, defecating, etc.

I believe in court, the family should produce evidence (giving them a second chance) they can keep the smell best at bay, clean pens frequently, and properly restrain them as to not affect others’ lives or homes. In order to keep them, of course, because it stresses me out thinking about a child with ASD being separated from what comforts him.

Also, I live in a city, where we can keep ducks and chickens, but we are heavily regulated for waste, environment, noise, smell, quantity, etc. So zoning should be reconsidered in cases, especially when it comes to someone’s support animals.

I see all sides, and they all make me sad for those involved. Because I’m really not sure how I’d respond in all of their shoes. I’d fiercely want to protect my child, but simultaneously not want to make enemies with my neighbors. As a neighbor, I wouldn’t want to harm a child relying on these animals, but also wouldn’t want to be disturbed by their animals or their waste in my yard. It seems clear cut that the family with ducks is at fault, but my emotions for the boy are also coming into play. I just want to see others’ opinions also. I see it as parental neglect on not finding the appropriate legal actions necessary to keep the animals, or getting an inappropriate animal.

**Edited to add: Last sentence got cut off, family is claiming ESA status for the ducks. And yes, I am aware there is a HUGE difference between a service animal and an ESA. Sorry for the non-clarification.