No morning sicknes!! 😭



Is anyone else around 5 weeks 6 days with no morning sickness so far?? I have had some breast tenderness off and on, fatigue, and mild cramping off and on, but where is the morning sickness! I know it is going to suck to have it, but not having it makes me so nervous. I just want to know that everything is going the way it's supposed to inside of my body!

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I’m at almost 8 and have none. I had 0 morning sickness with my daughter either. 🤞


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Just shy of 6w and I have NO symptoms other than bad gas.... Everything else is normal No Ache No headaches No crampsNo sicknessNo smell aversions Nothing Was at doctors today for gas - she didn’t seem concerned - said count my blessings


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Some don’t get it at all.


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5 weeks 4 days today and felt more symptoms last week then this week. makes me nervous too. tired and sore swollen chest is all i have. was waking up hungry during night and morning some icky days until I ate but nothing to get real excited about. not bloated much. idk hoping in a few days things start. maybe just to early. with my first it didn't hit til week 6 then it didn't stop til month 8 lol. my other 2 were very mild symptoms and I only threw up once each and very mild nausea if any. but I'm 41 and my 3rd pregnancy in 11 months. first 2 ended 5th or 6th week. praying for you and hope the reausrring icky feeling starts soon


Jo • Jul 28, 2018
Thank you. ❤


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I am 6w now too and haven’t had any morning sickness and very slight symptoms too! It’s hard not to worry but it also can be totally normal!


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It says it starts 6-8 weeks, don’t worry just enjoy it for now


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I haven’t threw up but have been nauseous. With my son I never threw up , just nauseous. With my daughter I was always getting sick throughout the day in the beginning. It was pretty bad. I hoping for one more boy 🙏🏻 either way as long as I have a healthy baby I’ll be 😃


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most symptoms don't show up till 6-7 weeks. I'm 8w3d and have no morning sickness.


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Mine started at 6 weeks and went away a few days ago. Il be 8 weeks Monday, some don’t have it at all. I didn’t have it once with my other 3 children


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It may not happen. I have it with this pregnancy but didn’t with the first