Needing to vent

So everyone has heard the news about Demi Lovato. It’s sad. And I’m hoping she gets better, sending her all of the love and support that her and her family needs. Or anyone family going through this for that matter.

I’m annoyed because all I see on my Facebook are arguments about how it’s not important and how she’s just like every other addict when I honestly don’t believe she is like every other addict. Especially being as famous as she is. She has been open from day one about her battles with addiction/depression/anxiety etc. she put herself out there so people know what it’s like from that side of things. Nowwww where I’m really getting angry is people are talking so much shit about her. Acting like they knew what happened. Then there’s that whole is addiction a disease or a choice thing. I do believe it is not a disease but That it’s a bad habit based on a choice that you made. But that’s not the point. The point is that we should all be sending Demi or ANYONE going through this same situation, positive vibes and hopes that they get the treatment they need to better themselves.