Feeling Defeated


I don’t even know where to begin. Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve had irregular periods. However, i was on birth control for many years, so I never really knew just how irregular they were. Back in 2009, after having been on birth control for at least 10 years, I decided that I no longer wanted to be on it, with no intention on getting pregnant. As time passed, periods were far and few in between. Then, I developed painful ovarian cysts, so my doctor told me my only option was to get back on birth control as a means of treating and preventing future ones. From there, I remained on both control again until January of 2016. After 6 months of being off of it, I had only had 3 periods and started feeling similar cyst-like symptoms. So last June, I began receiving acupuncture treatments to address my cycle issues since my gynecologist didn’t seem to offer any other answers.

Acupunture has been life-changing, and I owe it all to my acupuncturist, Lisa. She listened more than any of my doctors. After just one consultation, she had an inkling that I had PCOS (irregular periods, difficulty losing weight, adult onset acne, etc,) and began treating me for it. She taught me more about understanding my hormones and how to change my eating by eliminating sugar and eating a very low carb diet. Within a month, I lost 20 pounds, which was near impossible for me after many other diet and exercise attempts previously. I started using OPKs and taking my BBT to track ovulation. Within 6 months of treatment and lifestyle changes, instead of ovulating around cycle day 47 day, I was actually ovulating between cycle day 20 and 25, still not normal, but a huge improvement - and no more cysts!

My boyfriend and I began trying January of this year after getting blood work done indicating that my hormone levels were within normal ranges. For the first few months, there were a few hiccups with timing due to delayed ovulation and multiple LH surges, but for the last three months, I have been ovulating consistently between cycle day 16 and 18, which in my book is practically normal, especially for me.

AF is expected in a couple of days, so I’m not 100% sure that pregnancy is out of the question for this month, but when I temped this morning, by bbt dropped by almost a half a degree, a sign that progesterone is depleting. I am so disappointed because even Lisa thought this cycle’s chart had been my best yet - consistently low temps before ovulation, a rise after, and even a triphastic pattern (until today that is).

I’m 36, feeling old, and really just want to feel normal. At this point, I’m beginning to think that I just won’t be able to have a baby. I know others try for much longer, but this has been such a journey beyond just trying to conceive.

We have a fertility consult coming up to rule out any other possible issues, but I REALLY wanted to be pregnant this month and avoid all of that.

Anyways, for anyone who has read my very long post, I appreciate it. I’ve never posted before, but today I needed an outlet. I appreciate any tips or words of encouragement because if I’m right, AF will be here in a couple of days, and we all know how emotional this time can be. Thanks again!