Two negative home tests, still no period


Hi all— my first time posting here. 31yo female, married 2 years! Earlier this year my husband and I were told that conceiving naturally would be incredibly difficult (if not impossible) due to what the doctor believed was hydrosalpinx. This has *not* been confirmed by hysterosalpingogram (HSG). After months of doctors appointments and tests, acupuncture and herbal medicine, we decided that we wanted to give it a rest. We’d pick up the testing later on, when we were ready to “try”.

Fast forward to the past month, my hubby and I began “trying” just for fun, not even on ovulation/peak days. My period is now 16 days late. I’ve taken two home pregnancy tests well after my period was scheduled to arrive (6 days and 8 days after). Both First Response tests were negative. I’ve NEVER missed a period, but have had it come a day or two late. I just performed a hCG blood test today; unfortunately it won’t be processed til Monday! Has anyone else had a similar experience— negative home pregnancy tests after missed period? Were you confirmed pregnant by blood hCG? I don’t “believe” I could be pregnant due to all the above, just not sure what else could be happening? Kind of feeling like a big ball of uncertainty. Thanks!

Test #1 (6 days after missed period)

Test #2 (8 days after missed period)