How do you announce your pregnancy to your husband?

So I just found out that I am pregnant with our third child, I really wanted to have an other baby for a long time, but we were using protection because my husband wasn’t ready for an other kid yet and I respect his decision to wait.

Except this happened and I don’t really know how to announce it to him. He told me at some point that he wished I had made the first two announcements cuter, but since I know he won’t be excited about this, I don’t want to “rub it in his face” kinda.

I started to talk more about baby 3 this month to tell him how I really wished we could start trying in September if he was ready, but he got annoyed because I was pressuring him and I had decided to stop talking about it and wait for him to be ready... This is so messed up 😫

So yeah! How did you announce your pregnancy?