Hate getting insurance w/o a license

Just got insurance for our first car and we will be paying 280$ because we don't have a license. Once we get one I guess the price will go down. (full coverage)

update: I don't know they just are I guess where I stay they let you. You just have to pay more and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one driving with a license. It's not like ima go kill someone. I know how to drive just need to go get my license. Where we are getting our car and the insurance place didn't say it's illegal so I trust them more than a bunch of strangers online. Plus dont worry I ain't gonna crash. Also we are working on getting our license Monday. So it's not long. Also even if I have a license there still can be an accident. So if I get arrested so be it.

S. how did he wreck it? I'm pretty sure you know not to wreck unless your breaks or something else is fucked up. Sure I guess I am naive and immature whatever floats your boat.