Painful Ovulation

Dani • 32 yrs old, married for 8 yrs, & have PCOS. Can’t wait to meet baby #1 05/2020!

Hey ladies! I need advice! I have a mild case of PCOS that I found out about 2.5 months ago. I have a small ovarian cyst on my right ovary that my doctor isn’t concerned about. This is my second round of Progesterone to help induce my very irregular periods and bring my low progestin levels up. This is my first round of Femara. I feel like with my BBT rise and ovulation symptoms the past 4 days (very sore boobs; nauseas; tiny cramps; stomach ache symptoms and fatigue) that I finally ovulated! Although, today after sex, I got sharp shooting pains in my lower abdomen. It even hurts to fart 😜 Has anyone experienced this? I feel like I am hypersensitive because boy did I have symptoms from progesterone and Femara. So maybe I am also hypersensitive about ovulating?