Adoption Stories/Advice


I’m considering adopting a baby boy.. but I know nothing about adoption and have all kinds of questions and concerns so am looking for stories, advice, cautionary tales, anything I can learn from!

Today is the first day I’ve ever had the thought cross my mind (been ready for a baby for a long time and accepting single parenting for about a year or so?). I don’t have anything figured out because I don’t know much other than I would want a boy and preferably a newborn (I know that’s not always probable) and I think I’d want an open adoption. I would want to grow my family biologically when I do find a husband who’s ready to. My main concerns (I’m sure there’s more!) are family dynamic struggles (adopted vs biological siblings) and attachment for mom, future family, and baby (apparently adoptive moms can breast feed even if they’ve never been pregnant so I’m thinking that connection could help from the start). Any thoughts, tips, and advice is much appreciated! Thank you :)