i want to leave....

I think I want to leave....

me and my so have been together for 6 years we have 2 kids together and a house, a few years ago I cheated..... not proud and I know a lot of people will say I should have just left my needs aren't being met he ignored me was out with friends all the time left me alone I did leave once before but then found out we were pregnant again.... but he's cheated on me several times to... I honestly don't trust him and when I look at him I don't feel love..... I want to leave but I don't know how...

how do I tell him that I no longer want to be invested that I no longer see that's working out how do I tell him that I never really seen this working out that "working it out" was just to buy some time. .... how do I tell him I don't want to do this anymore?

I don't have family here and I recently just got a new job making great money so once I get frequent money coming in I think I'll be easier to stack up and move out.... I need a breath of fresh air