Overwhelmed by hand-me-downs!

Charlotte • Wife 💍 stepmom 👸 pibble mom 🐶🐶🐶 Kendal Grace Jan. 2019 👣🍼

I am only 14 weeks but a family friend has 3 granddaughters and our gender testing told us we're having a girl so when hubby told her, she dropped off a playpen, bassinet, swing, $400 breast pump, and at least 50 outfits! Our former office, now nursery, is only 10x12 so really all we need now is a crib and changing table. My BIL has a rocking chair he's going to give us eventually.

How are we supposed to even have a baby shower now? We have 20+ people we planned to invite and I know my parents and close friends/ family will want to buy the bigger ticket items. I'm just thinking a diaper party!