PP Headaches?? 😣

Cindy • 20 year old FTM. Mother to a previous baby boy, Adonis👶🏻💙 Born at exactly 42 weeks on June 24, 2015. 8:23pm.👪❤️
Hi Mommies! So according to my relatives I was supposed to be absolutely covered from head to toe since the day I gave birth up until I was 6 weeks PP. They also said that I shouldn't shower for 2 weeks after giving birth and that I shouldn't watch TV. They told me that if I didn't do this I was going to get major headaches, that my body would ache, that my body would stay swollen, and that my vision would go bad!
I showered at the hospital the day after I gave birth. I also only covered myself for about a week and a half to 2 weeks, but I stopped because the weather was crazy hot and I just couldn't take it anymore. My baby is now 3 weeks and 5 days. The weather keeps getting hotter and hotter, and there's just no way I can wear warm clothing for 2 more weeks. 
SO... I just wanted to know if anyone else had been warned about this before and didn't do as they were told, and if they actually suffered from painful headaches or body aches, etc. Or if this is just a thing Mexican parents say. Please comment! 
Thanks ! 😊