Met my biological family


I know this isn’t really the right place to post this but there were literally no groups for adopted kids/teens. Anyways, I found my birth-mom on Facebook about a month and a half ago and after 4 long deep thinking days I messaged her. It was a long paragraph that basically just explained who I was and that I wanted to get to know each other. I then got in contact with my three younger sisters and my older brother. I also have a younger brother who is the youngest but he is in Mexico on a farm with some family I believe. So I haven’t been able to talk to him. Anyways, after a couple weeks of talking and getting to know each other, we decided that it was time to meet each other face to face since I was taken away when I was 1 years old. So my sister (who is my adoptive family) and I drove 7 and a half hours to Albuquerque, New Mexico last week to meet everyone. We got there at 1 in the morning on Friday so we ended up just passing out. Then Saturday morning my sister, mom, her fiancé, and I had a one on one at breakfast. After talking, tears of joy, and long and forgiving explanations it was time to meet my sisters, brother, niece and nephew, and my aunts and grandpa and grandma. It was a long and overwhelming day but the whole time it felt like I was truly home. I have never felt so complete with my life and knowing that my family never gave up on me and always loved me just makes me so warm and happy. My heart feels like it physically is smiling haha. But anyways the trip went great and we had 2 full and great days of full happiness and ecstatic memories that will never be forgotten. So here are a few pictures of my family and I in Albuquerque. Thank you for reading this. This means a lot to me and the amount of endless support from my adoptive family is incredible. I feel so loved and actually feel like I belong here for once. Btw I’m 18 lol.

Me and my niece Savannah (who was named after me💛)

My mom and I

My grandparents

My little sister and I

My sister (on the left), my brother, me, my mom (to the right of me), and my grandma ( to the right of my sister)

My brother, niece and nephew, and I