Erica • History 📕 Horses 🐎 Coffee ☕️

My last AFL was June 24th and lasted until about the 28th, my cycle literally almost always is 32 days apart . I have never miss a period . I was supposed to start on the 24th again and I’am now 5 days late . All BFN test !!!I was cramping on and off throughout these 5 days, mainly at night. I have mild sore swollen boobs, white discharge here and there, bloating and the worst headaches. I’m also feeling the need to urinate a ton . TMI here, but my partner never ejaculates inside me !! He literally is great at pulling out and we aren’t trying to have kids, he swears up and down he hasn’t in me . Also it takes him forever too and it’s always taken him literally few minutes to do so once out of me . Being he’s the only person I’ve been with, I just don’t see how this is possible. Sorry for the TMI just scratching my head here .