glowing yellow eyes? coyote? fear?

In my dream i started by supposedly getting married to a royal Prince of a big nation. He was a good person but we didn't love each other, the relationship was just mandatory. I was also involved with who is my fiance in my real life, & both guys knew each other & were okay with it. In the dream during the wedding I started falling more in love with the prince, so I loved him & my fiance both.

Afterwards, me and my fiance were walking outside the building in the dark beside a lake. I saw an animal with glowing yellow eyes & saw it was just a fox running by. We continue walking, eventually notice an animal chasing after us with yellow eyes. My fiance starts running but I stop and say it's just the fix probably just going the same direction nothing harmful. But as the animal approaches, it jumps into the water and back out to get to me & I realize it's a coyote that is twice the normal size & starving with glowing yellow eyes. I can feel that it wants to hurt me. At this point I know I'm dreaming & keep trying to pause my dream & change the direction like i do with most dreams. But it won't work, it's like hitting a wall. I'm still getting the overwhelming feeling that this coyote is going to hurt me, I internally scream to wake up & took two minutes pulling myself away from there & finally waking up. this was quite unusual for me & kinda frightening.