sooo uncomfortable already is this normal ???


I feel so bad for complaining. I dont want to have my babies early, I had laser ablation surgery at 21 weeks because my modi twin boys had twin to twin transfusion now 26 weeks and 2 days and they are back on track doing great so far but I am so completely miserable. I have carpal tunnel in both hands but worse in my left to the point where I wear a brace on my wrist but still have severe pain and numbness in both hands. I'm exhausted because I never sleep at night either because of just plain insomnia or pain everywhere in my body, feet, hands, back everything throbs. I have an 8 year old son and i am as big as i was when i delivered him at this point. it's hard to breathe, I have indigestion and heartburn and reflux I am starving all the time but cannot eat much because I will throw up still. I feel so terrible complaining but I'm so miserable I just cry when I wake up everyday almost and I'm only 26 weeks. sorry just needed to vent because no one seems to understand!