
The biggest surprise and blessing.

We have been trying since May (I know that is nothing in comparison to some of you ladies that work so hard and are on this roller coaster I applaud you for your perseverance and strength!)

I suddenly got my period on May 31st completing a Only 27 day cycle.

NO PERIOD SINCE. 60th day of cycle yesterday, 28 days “late”

I took a million negative HPT, got a negative blood test 16 days ago!!!!

Got home from a week vacation & decided... don’t be discouraged, test your ovulation, maybe you skipped everything & could be ovulating for July right now.. peed in a cup and used two ovulation tests (digital and strip) AND my cheap amazon HCG cause why not? I already have the pee and I’m going to have to reorder soon anyway.

BAM. Immediately two lines. I freaked and found my VERY LAST first response under my sink and dipped it.

BAM. Immediately.

I am so happy beyond words and thank god for my distractions the last 60 days as it allowed me to just love on my husband without stress.