Are you in a similar situation in a relationship?

This is my longest relationship. Next month will be our four year anniversary. We have a baby as well. Idk if it is like this with all relationship when they have been together this long or it’s just mines. We love each other but I feel like it’s not the same since the beginning of our relationship. I spend my time with the baby. Of course her dad helps. But he spends most of his time on the computer playing games with other gamers/friends. I don’t really have any friends so I’m just hanging with the baby. We never really spend time together other than having sex or sleeping together at night. I told him how I felt but he thinks I’m wrong. He thinks being in the same room( him playing games on computer and me being with the baby on the bed) is called spending time together. We also don’t communicate the same as well. Is it different when a baby is add into the mix?