$27.81 argument

My fiancé and I just got into an argument. I turned 22 on 7/24 and I decided to buy myself Yoni Eggs from Amazon for my birthday. I only had cash (as I lost my debit card) so I asked him if I could use his debit card and give him the cash. He agreed and I was partly surprised because he is a stickler on money. I ordered my eggs and gave him $28.

Well this morning we got into a huge fight because he said “I’m always spending his money.” “That money was for his savings.” “I spend money on unnecessary things.” EVEN THOUGH I GAVE HIM $28. I then bring up his spending habits on weed and he tells me that’s his money so he can do what he wants. This happens while we are grocery shopping. He offered to pay for groceries as I don’t get paid until Friday. Then we get to the cashier and he says “since you like spending my money so much you spend your money on groceries.” He refuses to pay the cashier. At this point I’m embarrassed so I pay the cashier and leave. I start crying leaving out of the store.

He then tells me how careless I am and how I won’t have enough money for bills because I decided to spend money on dumb shit. He then takes me to the apartment, takes all the groceries out the car, and drives off. Now I feel bad like maybe I shouldn’t have ordered the stupid Yoni Eggs and I want to cancel the order. Any advice would help ladies, please.

Updated: he just FaceTimed me and said he would like to talk it out, he just had to smoke to calm his nerves. Of course he means spending his money on weed.