This asshole πŸ™ƒπŸ™„

Thank you asshole my husband is a jerk he broke my confidence and trust within seconds and Sunday is our day to hangout and be together but I'm going to go get littles and spend the day at my moms with my sister FUCK you jerk! I don't care if I'm being over dramatic of whatever this is how I feel I'm pissed

Part 1

Part 2





Idgaf he ALWAYS throws it in my face then he says I'm TOO Sensitive tf typa shit is that ....


I'm working on it πŸ’• I left because the fight got worse after this

Update #2 for anyone that cares yes I'm still hurt and Honestly I'm done fighting



I still haven't fully forgiven him and idk if I should πŸ’”πŸ˜­ I went and got littles and my mom could tell something was wrong but I didn't say anything I just went back to his home with them