Advice Needed❗💭


~Hello, Hello! I apologize if the introduction seems bland, but, I just installed this app a couple of minutes ago to help me track my time of the month and have a better insight upon how long my cycle lasts and what-not. Now, if you are up for a story, it's a little long due to detail, so, I am hoping you are sitting down somewhere cozy and I thank you for listening! Now, let's begin... I am 17 years old, currently in a relationship of almost 2 years with someone I see as a true significant other. He is younger by 8 months, yet, can act very mature when he wants. Just last night, things got a little heated between us(if y'know what I mean😉...) and he abruptly stopped the minor foreplay and asked if we could take things to the next level. With the sincerity in his voice, he was basically implying about having sex. Now, I never really thought deeply about sex or ever being sexually active. Hell, I always thought I was Asexual because I never, I mean never, had sexual attractions to the opposite gender until this guy walked into my life. When he asked me, it brought me back to reality a little bit and realized neither one of us had protection on one another due to the fact I am not on birth control yet and he is not allowed to have condoms(his parents do not see him being ready for being sexually active). So, of course, knowing neither one of us(mainly me) are protected, I had to say 'No'. Now, it made us fall into a deep discussion about sex because, for one, I kind of regretted saying 'No' because I felt ready that I could be sexually active, but, it made me realize that if we did make the dumb mistake of doing unprotected intercourse, I could potentially become pregnant, and I certainly did not want that🙅. Now, the discussion lead to us promising to each other that we will talk to our parents about it. The only thing is; I am fearing my mom's reaction because I just don't know how her reaction will be towards "Hey, Mom! So, uh...yeah, I want to become sexually active". With the thought keeping me up last night after the discussion between my boyfriend and I, I researched a lot upon the 'World of Sex' for 3 straight hours. I found out the certain best times for sex during cycle, how long a regular cycle and a irregular cycle lasts, and all of the above. Now, a question remains; How will I be able to bring up such a serious topic of discussion to my mom in a subtle manner. I don't want to freak her out nor make her worry more than she should. This is where all the lovely advice comes into play! If you even got this far upon reading this message, I would gladly appreciate the feedback and recommendation about how I go about this whole 'Sex Talk'. Thank you so much!💙✨