It finally happened


I was trying for 5 years, I lost hope.. I hated myself, I thought I was broken..... I was depressed and gain tons of weight.. the doctor told me I would never have kids again til I lose weight... so all of 2017 I worked hard.... morning , noon and night.... and by me bn 5 ft and knocking at300 pounds... it was extremely hard🤦🏽‍♀️but I was determined to lose weight.. my intake of water went from 1 bottle to 8 .. my sugar intake was lil to none!!! Protein was a must to keep me feeling full... as of today July29,2018 I tested cause my face was extremely broke out🤦🏽‍♀️so I knew something was wrong!!! Tested and I got my POSITIVE!!!

I cried for a whole2 hrs.. as I was thanking god for this blessing!!! It was faint this morning and this evening it was a little darker... calling doc in the morning!!!