Bilirubin levels are high :(


Hey Mommas! FTM here, I just had my baby on the 25th everything seemed fine she was perfectly healthy but when they did her tests, her bilirubin levels were a little high like a 9? Not too bad so they discharged us 2 days later but wanted us to come back on Sunday to just check on her before her first appointment tommrow. Well they took her blood and her level was at 19.2! Then went up too 19.4, after checking her blood sugar which was at 19 )normally suppose to be around 50-60) they said, they got concerned and immediately put her under the UV light. This has been a very emotional and hard thing for me to see me. I’ve been a wreck and all I could do was ball my eyes out. Seeing her get an IV, to being poked, and then being told they were going to put a catheter in her! I lost it. Seeing her in there has been so sad for me I can’t hold her, kiss her, or talk to her. A couple hours have passed and it’s gone down to a 17! So there going to have us stay 2 nights and also wait on labs to get back to see if she may have any sort of infection due to low blood sugar! If any one else has been through this please comment below! I’m trying to just be positive so I could have my baby back home.