The best birth I could’ve imagined being a first timer *raw birth photos*

Courtney • Baby Caroline was born 7/29/18😻 #Policewife #FTM

At 2 am Saturday morning as I am 40+5 days pregnant, I start having some mild contractions in my sleep. I probably could’ve slept through them but I didn’t due to excitement!

I go to a wedding shower at 12:30 and just sit through the contractions (at this point I was timing them and they were about ten mins apart lasting 40 seconds long. Getting more painful.

By 5 pm the pain is getting a lot worse and I’m only getting relief from contractions on all 4’s because baby was laying crooked and giving me bad back labor. I called the hospital to get my doctors opinion and she said being a first time mom who lives an hour away I should just come in just Incase. So I tell my husband and he wants to go get his haircut first 😑 so i ride with him to keep active.... we leave great clips and this mother fucker pulls into the car wash!! At this point my contractions were five mins apart and i was in pain! Then we get home and he has to “do some chores and shower”. I could’ve killed him. Anyway, he finally gets around and we pack up to go to the hospital.

Y’all. The car ride to the hospital SUCKED. my contractions were way worse sitting in a front seat and they became anywhere from 2-5 mins apart in the car. It was the Fucking worst.

We get to the hospital and the nurse checks me and i was only at a 2!! 👎🏼 so I got in the whirlpool tub due to so much back pain for a whole hour. Get out and she checks me and I wanna as at a 4! Good news! I was admitted and she said I could get the epidural right away because the guy is want busy. Hell. Yes.

I got the epidural and everything was wonderful from there on out pain wise. Didn’t feel a damn thing. So worth it. Within a couple of hours I was dilated to a 6/7! The baby was sitting on my water bag so the doctor was planning on breaking my water around 2 am.

At midnight my family and i started laughing really hard and I felt myself peeing. And peeing. And peeing. I was embarrassed and told the nurse I felt bad because I just peed all over! Then i realized maybe i broke my water! I sure did, at 12:30! So she tells me she’ll check me in one hour.

An hour goes by and I had dilated from a 6/7 to a 10! However she was a little high still so the nurse said well wait an hour and let the baby stretch me out a little bit and move down the canal on her own if she wants. So she’d be back around 3 to check me.

At 3 am she checked me and baby’s head was right there. They set up the room for the birth and I was ready to push! At this point they started me on pitocin because my contractions weren’t picking up as well anymore and not as frequent.

45 mins went by and I had pushed my baby girl out! Here are some amazing pictures! I did tear a little bit. I truly think I progressed so quickly because through every contraction I really focused and only breathed through them instead of tensing up anywhere. Worked wonders.

[Photos removed by Glow]