Something else for me to worry about 😂


Argh pregnancy is just way too stressful. I'm 36 weeks with my second child. It took us a long time to conceive and we've had so many scared along the way.

So last night my husband made a comment about the shape of my face. I thought nothing of it and just brushed it off. Then this morning I looked in the mirror to put my make up on and was like woah. My face is swollen around my eyes and temples. I look really freaky.

So that teamed with +1 protein in my urine last week and my minds now in over drive. I called the midwife office, and she doesn't seem at all worried because my blood pressure is naturally low. I've had headaches the entire pregnancy so it's nothing new and not like terrible. She just said to wait for my appointment tomorrow and they'll check me over again then.

I know it's only tomorrow but now I'm gonna spend the next 24 hours worrying. Ugh I'm so over all this worrying!