Should I get checked again for PCOS?

Allie • Married since 2013 💍

When I was a teenager, I used to have a lot of pelvic pain and was diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries. 3 years ago before we were ttc, I was 22 years old and noticed that I had started to grow a hair or two on my chin. The next time I was at the doctors office I mentioned it to her and she immediately said “Ok, I’m going to send you for a pelvic ultrasound I think you probably have PCOS”. So I went for the ultrasound and the results were negative. Fast track to today, we are on month 5 of ttc with one chemical pregnancy. Seeing how common PCOS seems to be, i’m wondering if I do have it. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2016 without a family history at all. The only thing is, my periods are and have always been completely regular issues, and I do get positive OPKs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s all so confusing.