Doctor rant :/


ent time... I used to LOVE my OB. Truly love them but after 2 years between babies and coming back they have grown so big that you are just a number. My doctor has ordered ultrasounds 2 weeks in a row and they haven't been able to schedule them or do them right because they dont have the best I got was a bedside ultrasound for position. I was told the best they could do is a growth ultrasound a WEEK after my due date. I told them at that point it's to late so dont bother taking up a spot. Both Evan and Ethan were early. I had both at 38 weeks and I'm 37+ weeks now. Ugh so frustrated! Atleast they made sure she wasn't breech still. If I wasn't having complications I wouldn't mind so much but we still don't know if we are doing a csection next week or not because we dont know how big she is for sure. We are trying to avoid more complications and need to make the best choice but can't without the tools to do so. UGH!!