Painful Vaginal Penetration

Hi guys, so I was going to have sex for the first time in a while with my new boyfriend. The last time I had sex was over a year ago with my ex. I’ve been told I have a very (lol) tight vagina. Sometimes so tight where sex or fingering can be painful. Anyway he started fingering me (I was pretty wet) and I got this burning sensation in my vagina so I told him to stop and he went down on me instead. Then we started having sex and it hurt AGAIN when he put his dick inside of me. His penis is about the same size as my ex. I’m not sure what’s going on... I’m going to my gyno soon but I was wondering if anyone’s experienced this before. Also I’ve used Summer <a href="">Eve</a> spray in the past so maybe that has something to do with it.. I’ve been told to avoid those deodorant sprays. I also thought maybe I have a yeast infection but I don’t show any other symptoms of that. Sorry for adding so much detail I just don’t wanna forget anything!