need help following urine tests!#

hello everyone! i am not sure if this is the right place to post but i figured you kind ladies might be able to offer some advise or guide me to the right place. i took two urine tests yesterday and both came back positive. i am due for my period to start in two days and i am feeling really really crampy like i do before it starts. i am trying to get in to see someone for a blood test confirmation but i can't find anyone with an opening any time soon. i am so scared that this is a false positive and that there is some underlying problem like cysts or some other medical issue. it has been far too long since i've seen a gyno (i know- really stupid of me). what i am afraid of is that, while waiting for an opening to see an obgyn (i just hot insurance) my period will start and my mind will spiral out of control with worry. i guess my question is, how common are cramps (like period cramps) if you have a positive test? and how common are false positives?? thank you ladies- this is my first positive test experience and i am freaking out a little.