Pre-term labor...again

30 + 6 and I just got home from the hospital after a crappy day. Woke up feeling blah and had a headache. By 3pm contractions were consistent and not easing up with water or rest. Finally gave in and went to L&D. All my tests came back negative, wasn't dehydrated, cervix still high and closed. But contractions still coming. After a shot of terbutaline they finally stopped. This will be my third pre-term labor of three preganncies. My two older boys both came at 35 and 34 weeks. I'm frustrated no one has any answers for me. I'm frustrated this keeps happening. I want so bad to make it to week 37 so I can take my baby home with me and not leave him behind in the NICU. 
And tonight after coming home, my husband kicked into asshole mode. Which is I guess why I'm venting to all of you. I think he was scared at the thought of the baby coming so early. I was scared too. And I really could have used some comfort tonight instead of whatever emotions he is using to mask whatever is going on in his head. 
Anyway, thanks girls for listening to me. I just needed to vent to someone who might understand a little better.