

Sooo idk if you guys saw my previous post from a couple of months ago and that I was diagnosed with PCOs. But that took a toll on me and thank God for my husband always being supportive and high spirits that I didn’t give up. We relaxed and said to the universe it’ll happen when it happens. I never went to start the PCOs treatment because I honestly was scared so we just kept enjoying life and ourselves. I’ve been feeling a bit weird at random times of day so I’ve been wanting to test but being nervous about it. Today at work my manager she had a test in her bag an gave it to me lol went to the bathroom during lunch and guess what came up!! I know it’s the first test and I will confirm with doctors but this is a big deal and I’ve always gotten support from this community that I wanted to say thank you!! And to you future mommy that are waiting for that BFP trust me you’ll get it!! :) love you all:)