Custody and Travel


I’m in CA, have joint custody, I’m the custodian parent with 70% of the timeshare. I’ve traveled with my daughter overseas and across state borders in the past. I always asked my ex husband for consent since I thought I had to. There’s no mention of it in our orders but he recently had issue with me taking her to see my husband’s family in Mexico. I wish I could explain why he was concerned; it was not clear to me. Anyway, I called my lawyer a few months back asking about this and he told me since it’s silent in my orders, I only need to give him notice like 3-4 weeks before with details about where we’d be. It’s such a rural part of Mexico, they literally don’t have addresses, but I sent him a picture of the map where we’d be (not sure what he’d do with the address detail anyway). Our phones will be working there also so contact isn’t an issue.

After I gave him the info, he hasn’t said anything and this time we booked our flights without asking for permission. I just told him when we’d be going (which didn’t impact his time with her at all).

I’m wondering if anyone else has experience with this or any extra insight. I imagine it’s fine per my lawyer but hoping to ease my anxiety from the experience of others.