Rainbow Celebration!

🐝 • Hey there!

Last September I lost the biggest love of my life that was supposed to reach this world and grow old. I was supposed to die first. The doctors said what happened is 1/10,000. The same as being hit by a truck! Fun fact doctor. Due to a genetic condition I lost my daughter and my sanity September 8 and legally had to cremate or bury my child. I went from expecting a little girl or boy healthy to turning around to bury her little self 6 feet under. I’ve been hopeless in wanting to have another child. My fiancé and I have been devastated and have been trying ever since. Without any luck month after month I finally have symptoms again and decide to take a test. I didn’t wait to get home I bought one and went straight to the bathroom. I was overly thrilled to see what you see before you. Our rainbow baby! Finally. My heart is so full right now I can hardly contain myself! I can’t post on my normal loss groups so here I am sharing with people who want and are where I’m at! Thank you. I needed this.