Im schizophrenic outcoming

Onalee • Were not bad were only drawn that way🙃

I'm schizophrenic ADHD bipolar along with a list of other ABCs in my life I've been molested, bullied, and told I was a statistic on a chalkboard I failed a college test because it taught schizophrenia wrong it wasn't right I need to stand up for myself and others around like me I am a new author a YouTuber I am engaged we are trying for a baby even though my professor said 1% of people like me if we marry will succeed I'm going to tell you proof the man who wrote the national anthem, Scotts Fitzgerald, his wife was schizophrenic and he loved her dearly so I say to all those who say we are crazy people with no heart I say its okay to get angry were not statistics on a chalkboard cause were only human after all