unproductive doctor visits


I'm so annoyed. I never get ANY info. I asked about. 1) my back pain. it's a constant dull throbbing pain, that every half hour or so shoots up my back and I feel like every muscle in my back is spasming. 2) babys been measuring big though out my third trimester. but this time he didnt tell me how big she was. 3) he didnt tell me if I was dialted more or not. I asked because I had some light pink spotting with period like cramps. and my back pain.

and then all he tells me is him checking my cervix might break my water and to be on the look out...

kay. I'm only 35 weeks. been dialted to a one since 29 weeks. I'm wondering what's going in with my baby and my body and I cant get answers.. and now 3 hours later after my appointment, which he was an hour and a half late for. left me sitting naked from the waste down and trying to watch my 20 mo in the room for an hour and a half, I'm now dizzy and my stomach feels all tight and continually painful and my back aches gotten worse. I dont know if him checking my cervix irritated somthing and that's why i hurt or what but damn.

I'm uncomfortable. it almost reminds me of when I was in labor with my son, but not as bad. so I'm waiting to see if it calms down or not