
After having my oldest I had not a clue I would ever have problems conceiving since she was so easy. Two years after she was born my husband and I started trying for baby number two. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis (auto immune which attacks my body) but still gave it a try and had 3 miscarriages in all (2 in second trimester and 1 in first). I changed my obgyn and found someone that more was concerned about helping me through this than the money, she started me on clomid, baby aspirin and progesterone. 9 months later a perfect blessing was born( she is now 4)- flash forward to today- my husband and I since have never used protection and starting slowly trying last year with no luck so in January I went back to the obgyn and started our planning journey and I am above the moon that after 6 months I finally have a positive ovulation test 🤞