It's been a while since logging in

It's been a while since logging in. Archer was born last October, 11 days ovd at 9lbs 90z. My first pregnancy and deliver were so different to this one! This time around my last trimester was so painful. I was so big I couldn't stand for long periods without getting week. And when my water broke unlike my first, I didn't immediately go into contractions so I thought hey! This is going to take a while, I might as well take my time packing for the hospital. WRONG! My first took 19 hrs to make his way into arms but this time! 2.5 hours from the moment my water broke to when I heard his first cry! Given we live about an hour+ depending on traffic from the hospital, it was a mad dash to get there on time. BUT even though it was a bit traumatic, I wouldn't have it any other way. ❤