Husband decided to schedule shoulder surgery...

10 days after my induction date! My husband is military and found out he needs shoulder surgery for a pain he's had the last 2 years but he can schedule it whenever he likes. Literally whenever. My Dr unfortunately won't schedule an induction till I'm due so he's doing it on August 10th 😔 won't even do a membrane sweep at 39 weeks ☹️. So my husband informed me last night he scheduled his shoulder surgery for the week after I have the baby. He explained to me he will have his arm strapped to his side for a minimum of 4-6 weeks with no mobility, and also has to buy a talk to text program to write his college papers because he'll only have use of one arm and cat type. It then hit me. He won't be able to do ANYTHING! He won't be able to cook, clean, take care of the yard, drive for a period of time, and definitely not hold a baby, possibly be limited to his own care. Crazy thing is he's already thought all about that and still is doing it then. I'm a very independent person so I can manage house and children alone, but this seems crazy to me because if he's that limited, I'll not only have a newborn to take care of along with our other children but I bet he's expecting me to take care of all his needs too. Then, to top it off he's got his dad coming to stay for 4-5 days to drive him to and from the surgery. So please, am I just being crazy irrationally hormonal pregnant or is he really being unfair in deciding to do this so immediately after our child is born? I'm afraid I'm reacting unreasonably but at the same time trying to see this logically and it isn't logical at all in my opinion from where I'm seeing things right now. He's not changing it, that's not up for discussion, I just need to vent/rant some about it and get others perspectives to know if I think this is insane or not. Opinions? UPDATE : Omg, this is not the man I married. Tonight he comes to me and says that we need to talk because he got his confirmation stuff. No joke this is his exact words. " so the Dr told me everything that needs done and said I need to let you know that you're going to have to take care of me for at least 4-6 weeks. You're going to need to help me get my t-shirt on every morning and night and help me put my deoderent on after every shower. This means you'll have to make time in the morning before taking the kids to school to do that. I'll be pretty much bed bound on percocet the first 5 days so will not be functioning because percocet does that to me."... I'm so horrified right now, and as he said that, my jaw just hit the floor. He's so serious and I'm feeling... Very done. Like seriously done. He's already helped none this whole pregnancy and now this? People, I can't even make this stuff up! 😱😱😱