When faint lines turn into something beautiful 💜


We’ve been TTC since March 2017 with no luck! We learned I don’t regularly ovulate and tried both clomid and femara with no luck. After an intense round of meds I was diagnosed with OHSS in April and have been off meds since. I had an HSG test showing a cervical stenosis and a retroverted uterus. We were set to start

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> next month.

But then.... we’ve been on vacation in Europe the past 2 weeks. I felt a little weird- no appetite, motion sickness (which I never get), constipation, fatigue, emotional- but I wrote it off since we were traveling so far from home. I got home and immediately took a few tests:

I didn’t see anything, so I shoved them in the back of the cabinet and moved on. I started bleeding the next day and assumed it was my period. Cue the monthly emotional breakdown.

The bleeding only lasted about a day and was really light. I also noticed my boobs hurt and smells were bothering me more. So, I took out the old tests and saw a tiny baby faint line! Whaaaaa? I didn’t get too excited because it was WAY after the time limit, but I’ve never seen any lines before!

The next morning, today, I took a test and here it is:

I have never in my life been so shocked! I’m going to take a few more tests later because I’m in such disbelief! I had really given up any and all hope!

So, to those of you who have been trying for what feels like forever- don’t give up. Believe me, I know it’s easier said than done. Infertility has been the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. Even now that I see those 2 lines I can’t believe it because for so many months I thought it wouldn’t happen!

Keep the faith, girls. We’re all in this together.