What Does Your Toddlers Bedtime Look Like?



I’m curious, what is the average toddler like going to bed? Do they need special items like a cup, pacifier, stuffed toy, or particular blanket? Do they fight bedtime until the bitter end? Is it easy for you or do you dread it when the time comes? Let’s find out!

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We have been SUPER LUCKY!! We know this is not normal but our daughter puts herself to sleep. She doesn’t want snuggles, she doesn’t want singing (will actually yell “no” if you try to sing). She sometimes likes to read books and sometimes just says “bed” and points to the crib. We put her in the crib, she lays down and we walk out and almost never hear a peep out of her until 6am the next morning. 🙌🏼 I think we are destined to be doomed with baby #2 arriving next week.


Bridget • Aug 4, 2018
Yay!! This gives me hope! 🤞🏼


Taya • Aug 4, 2018
We have been the exact same with my first girl! She will grab her reddy bear and then grab your hand and walk you to her room and point at her bed, we had baby number 2 in feb. I thought i was doomed because of how good our first girl is well the first 2 months were so hard and she was super fussy turned out it was milk allergy so after we got that properly controlled she has been so perfect and also sleeps through the night, as soon as she is finished her bottle i out her into her cot and she is asleep by herself within 5 min


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I get them ready downstairs and as soon as I say "let's go to bed" they run to gate at the steps to wait for me to open it. As soon as I open it they race up the steps to their room, we read to them every night. We give them hugs and kisses, they get a prayer bear, a blanket and a book I hide at the other end for when they wake up. I turn their music on and shut the door...same routine since they were able to pick up routines and they've done amazing with it! Most nights they are out within 30-45 mins with no fuss. They fall alseep around 8:30pm, wake up around 7am, they read in the cribs and 'talk" to each other from the other side of the room. When they are ready to come out they either fuss or say "Mama". Other than some small bumbs here and there they have always done great with sleeping!


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well... I usually give her her sippy cup with milk and we read a book and then I say night night and leave. but as soon as I close her door she gets up, pulls out all her clothes from the drawers, empties her toy box, and then goes and falls asleep...so yeah. Lol. she's kind of wild.


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It’s peaceful all except for the teeth brushing portion haha, always a scream fest. Otherwise, we read, clean diaper and put on his wearable blanket, sing a little song, and he goes into the crib. He usually plays quietly for a half hour or so then falls asleep. Occasionally he has a rough night where we have to go back in and give him an extra hug or two before he goes down, but it’s rare. He’s generally out by 7:30 and gets up at 6 am like an alarm clock haha.


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Our son is 19 months and goes to bed at 8 every night we ask him if he’s ready for ni-nights and he runs to his door asks for kisses. We feed his fish, one of us changes him and one gives him his cup of milk and rocks him sometimes he wants it sometimes he says no. We both give him a kiss and tell him night and give him his blanket and puppies and he lays down and tells us ni-night the whole time we walk out of his room lol sometimes even after we’ve left. Sometimes he goes right to sleep other times he plays with his puppies and blanket and talks to himself


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Mine has been sleep trained since 4.5 months so has always gone to bed peacefully. He has a regular blanket and a lovey. Sometimes he asks to go to bed lol


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My son will normally be totally fine being put to bed unless his schedule is messed up. 8:30-8:00 usually 😆 he’s almost two but it took about a year to make it to this point lol im hoping my daughter will be easier to make a schedule with since I know what to do now


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It depends on the night! We were nursing to sleep but now we usually just cuddle and sing songs to sleep. Sometimes he wants to play around the room and refuse to lay down, but I usually don’t fight it because he eventually will come lay down when he is ready.


Br • Aug 10, 2018
He also has to lay out his baby doll and his “coco” before bed and tuck them in (Miguel stuffed toy from Coco) lol


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Always a pacifier and a sippy cup of water


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We’ve been crazy aggressive about his bedtime routine. At 6:30 I tell him it’s time for bed, and he runs to the gate and walks himself up into the bedroom. He’s happy to undress and help me set up his crib, but he puts up a fight to walk to the bathroom and get in the tub. Once he’s in he’s fine. Then he’s whiney and difficult while getting dressed 🙄 then we do a story and a bottle, then we do his teeth and his favorite book which is short. Then I put him down with water at 7:00 and he’ll pass right out, or hang out quietly and then pass out.