Being asked if your pregnant.. when you aren’t


So like 6 months ago my grandmother asked if I was pregnant (in front of the whole family) I cried so much and she said it was because I gained weight so fast **i weighed 105 a year ago now I’m 180😑** 2 days ago I was at Walmart and a worker came up and asked me if I was expecting I told her “Nope, just fat” I trued to hold my tears in from the check out to the car but once I got to the car I was hysterical. I have been trying for a year to get pregnant and I am gaining weight. I gain and lose weight so easy but this time it’s hard to lose the weight. This is the biggest I’ve ever these pictures are from July of last year and the other one a month ago, I’m literally not sticking my stomach out but I’m not sucking in either. It’s ridiculous

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