He found this...

Bri • •Mom•Nurse•Wife•

I originally posted the post below a few weeks ago....

My husband moved our dresser and found it, tucked back there. I took this back in November. I had a 2nd trimester miscarriage in January. I would be due with our son in 12 short days. I’ve had so many emotions about it lately, sad, angry, disbelief, the list goes on and on. So for just a minute I stood there in our empty room and just reminisced how it felt those many months back to see that sweet word. I put it next to his shadow box in our new house. I’m sure the battery will die eventually but for now it seemed like the best place for the little hidden treasure. Hopefully soon I will feel what it’s like to see this simple yet powerful word pop up on a test again.


Three days later the test went blank, just like that.

And then today 7/31/18-

I truly believe finding that test was sign of what was to come. 💕