
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 3 months. And he is honestly the best guy I have ever met. And he makes me happier and I feel safe with him.

But he was diagnosed with depression. He’s tried everything. He’s tried medication, therapy, literally every. Nothing really worked for him. When he is up things are great but when he’s down he’s way down, like walking on the edge, down. This is all new to me and I’m learning as quickly as I can, but there are times that I don’t know how to help him.

It’s extra hard when we rarely see each other due to his busy schedule and living a half hour away from each other. Not that the distance is actually our issue. It’s more of a timing. He has a full time job and his family takes advantage of his weekends. Which I don’t have a problem with I totally get it. Not to mention the fact he’s going back to school in the fall.

Anyway as I said when he’s down he’s way down. And I want to help him. So if anyone knows how to helps someone with depression without physically being with the person, please help me out, give me some tips, something. Please? I hate seeing him in so much pain.


So I’m to the point where I don’t even know who my boyfriend is anymore. I try to talk to him and he gives me the same 5 responses. For everything. He stopped telling me he loves me. He doesn’t want to see me anymore. I don’t know what to do.