Nearly Died 😢 - Heart Failure During Delivery


Went to the hospital on June 27, 2018 (34 weeks) presenting with the following symptoms:

- shortness of breath when lying flat

- swelling in feet and ankles

- fatigue

- heart palpitations

- heart rate of 240

Turns out, my previously healthy heart was working overtime trying to pump enough blood to my organs and to the baby.

Baby went into distress and they had to do an emergency c-section just a couple hours after arriving at the hospital. Baby was rushed to the NICU immediately after delivery.

While the doctor was stitching up my c-section wound, I went into cardiac arrest three times all while my husband was watching through the glass window.

I was connected to a lot of machines in order to keep me alive and keep my heart going and was transferred to two other hospitals which had better cardio programs.

My baby had to stay behind in the NICU of the hospital where I delivered at since the doctors didn’t recommend a transfer.

I didn’t get to officially meet my baby girl until 16 days later, when we were both discharged from our respective hospitals.

Now I will have a heart condition for the rest of my life life but I’m grateful that we’re both alive to tell our story.

Please listen to your body and if something doesn’t feel right call your doctor right away or go to the ER.