
I never thought that I would be that girl that gets pregnant in highschool, but then it did happen. I'm the concert mistress, taking AP classes, and I'm in every music class that is offered (I'cm going to be a music teacher). My period was late by a week and a half, so I tested, and found out I was pregnant. Everything is so tumultuous right now, and I knew I couldn't have this child, but I also knew I didn't want a clinical abortion because I couldn't tell my mom (in Utah you need parental consent). So, I did some research and found that there are herbal methods to cause early miscarriage. I drank ridiculous ammounts of parsley tea and multiplied my typical vitamin C supplement by 6. I have been feeling so sick while doing this. Yesterday I started bleeding lightly but passing what I believe to be what was my forming embryonic sac. Today, the bleeding has been heavy and brown, with chunky tan/yellow spots in it. All my nausea has gone away, as has the swelling in my breasts, but I feel absolutely horrible, and am in a lot of pain across my lower abnomen. A part of me wanted this little baby so badly. The father doesn't even seem to care that I'm in so much pain and mental instability. I feel numb, angry, sad, and guilty all at the same time. I know that the little soul who was going to occupy that body will forgive me. Does anyone have any kind of advice or word of comfort? I really just needed to vent. Only me, the father, and an old friend knew, and it has been eating me up since the test.