My 🌈 is here!


After three losses and the rupture and loss of a Fallopian tube my sweet baby boy Beckham is finally here!! He’s my third miracle baby and he completed our family! At 37 weeks 2 days, after being dilated to 5 cm and 80% thinned out for a week and a half, I told my husband it was time. After getting our 2 kids taken care of we arrived at the hospital and into our room around 10 pm. I was still 5 cm and having terrible back labor, because it was back labor the contractions weren’t being picked up on the monitor. Around midnight they started picking up every 2 minutes so the nurse gave me some pain medicine at 12:30 and decided she would check me again....she said oh wow you’re at 9cm I’m going to call the doctor...they tried to give me an epidural at this point but before he could even finish I said I have to push now...the doctor came in and broke my water around 1:30 am he said I’m just going to check you really quick and I’ll be back..that didn’t happen lol. He checked me and said oh yeah you’re ready I can see the babies head coming out, I pushed maybe 3 times and at 1:50am this perfect little boy was born and I couldn’t be any happier!!