I survived!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

This is to share my experience with Cytotec...at the end is our decision and our body. After over 2 years of trying and one miscarriage I was excited to get a positive pregnancy test 5 months after miscarriage. Super excited surprised my husband with a nice gift box right before fathers day. After spotting brown going to the ER then bleeding I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum at 7 weeks with 4 different doctor's and different ultrosounds. It came down to make the hard decision of taking cytotec or have a DNC. It was very difficult to make a decision but I was terrified of the DNC so I decided to take the pill. On Thursday night I took the first dose...4 pills on the cheek then swallow after an hour. Within 30 minutes I was cramping really bad. After the hour I swallowed the medication and took an ibuprofen. I started bleeding...cramping...chills...cold and within 2 to 3 hours started throwing up and diarrhea. Then I started sweating really bad and was extremely hot and continued throwing up and with diarrhea. The only thing I want it to do was sit in the toilet because the pain was horrible...and I can usually tolerate pain. I was prescribed pain medication but refused to take it because I wasn't sure how my body was going to react to it. By 11:30pm I couldn't take the pain and asked my husband to give me the pills. By 12:30pm the pain was so horrible that I walked in the bedroom and told my husband that I didn't think I could do this anymore. I was to the point I want it to be taken to the ER...but a few minutes later I felt like something came out and went to the restroom. I passed the sac and the pain was less. By 2am I took another ibuprofen and was able to fall asleep. Next morning I took the second round terrified thinking I was going to experience the same pain as the first one but there was no pain at all...I guess because I had passed the sac already. Today I had my follow up appointment and thank God I passed everything and I'm done with this nightmare. Now I have to wait a few months to start trying again. At the end I'm glad I took the pill...although at some point I told myself I should of just done the DNC. Now I can say I survived after the devastating news...extreme pain..and emotions...Today I'm still standing and can't wait to one day have my rainbow baby. Sorry for the long post just want it to share my experience...everyone reacts different to the medication and only we can decide was best for oneself. But as for me I SURVIVED!!!๐Ÿ˜Š